Yesterday, May 5, 2016, was quite a busy day with Cinco de
Mayo, National Day of Prayer, and Ascension Day all celebrated on that day.
This critical time within our country draws need for our continued prayer over
our nation. Just one single day a year is insufficient, but there should be
daily prayer of guidance for our nation, leaders, and citizens.
This critical period marks a time when we are witnessing the
battle of the gods. We question at times, “Where is God?” The Church seems to
be indifferent to many challenges and ultimately weak and absent in influencing
society as a whole, and individuals. In I Kings 18, Elijah calls the nation of
Israel to account for their turning to and mingling the practices of Baal
worship and forsaking true and pure worship of the one true god, Jehovah. As
believers in Jehovah God (the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) and as
Christians we are again at one of these junctures. A decision point. Will we as
Americans continue to serve the god of materialism or even fall prey to the
boundaryless anarchy of societal demands? On the other hand, will we choose to
serve Jehovah God? Will we stand for Christ? Alternatively, will we yield to
the beliefs of Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism? Bishop Paul Zink often said, “Where
there is no God, all things are permissible.”
Often observation of natural events point to a prophetic meaning.
In 2011, an earthquake shook the Nation’s Capital. Since that time, major
iconic buildings and monuments have been under some form of repair due to the
earthquake or recurring maintenance including the Supreme Court, U. S. Capital,
Washington Monument, and National Cathedral. Prophetically this speaks of the
shifting social structures we are enduring. In 2014, the National Cathedral
held its first Muslim service within its walls. Will we continue to mingle
religions? On the other hand, will we worship the one true God? When America
begins to lose its Judeo-Christian foundation, we witness the expanding affects
in the world at large seen in slaughter of Christians who would not deny Christ
in the Middle East. Is the American Christian able to make such a stand? Please
pray for our country.
The birth in Bethlehem marks the beginning of Jesus earthly
ministry, and the end was marked when Chris ascended into Heaven forty days
after His resurrection. Christ’s ascension also marks the beginning of the
church and the end will be marked when the Lord comes and takes us all away and
establishes His Kingdom on earth (Revelation 5; Zechariah 14; 1 Thessalonians
4:13-18). The ascension of Christ takes place with the assignment of the Great
Commission to “Go.” The four Gospels close with Christ earthly ministry done,
while the other books of the New Testament begin the life of the Church. Ten
days after the ascension the church is empowered by the Holy Spirit on the Day
of Pentecost.
Will America waken again to their mandate to “Go?” Will we
as believers be salt and light in our own country (Luke 8:16-18; John 8:12)?
Will we continue to allow the distractions of others sin consume our thoughts,
responses, and actions? Will we embrace our mandate to “Go” and be a
transformational element within our society? Many within the Church are afraid
to open their lives displaying the transformational work of Christ in them. The
greatest weapons possessed by believers are their testimony of the
transformative work of Christ in their life paralleled with the Love of Christ.
Who have you loved lately? Whom have you shared your testimony with lately? Do
you live in a glass house where all can see the righteousness of Christ in your
life? Where is the exercising of the power of the Holy Spirit in your life? Are
you friends with sinners or just surrounded by church folk?
Our belief in Christ is not some magic pill or hocus pocus
prayer that causes a subservient god to answer our beckoning call like the God
of Baal. It is a submission to a higher power, and for Christians, the only
higher power. This submission is the realization that we are not in control nor
in a position to demand. The teachings of the Bible are good, moral
philosophies that are good for the governance of anyone’s life, but our belief
as Christians goes much deeper than just following teachings or philosophies.
The Bible is God breathed and the inspired word of God. Simply following the
philosophies alone will bring better behavior in our children and if we further
follow the dietary demands of the Bible, we do well. For Christians, these
beliefs go much deeper. We believe in a God who is active in our world today
and intimately cares for those who are in need of wisdom, guidance, and
healing. Our beliefs are more than just a mental exercise of reading and doing,
but a constant consciousness of listening for wisdom and guidance that comes
from beyond ourselves. Found in the Bible is the moral code for Christians to
live by. We often fail, but that does not mean we should not try again. Similar
to a football player who fumbles the ball, we as Christians must seek
forgiveness and try again. Suffering is part of our human experience as well.
Just because we believe in God, it does not eliminate suffering in this life. Nevertheless,
if we remain spiritually attuned to what God is doing, we can trust that all
will be well and the transformational work of Christ will be on open display.
No one after he has lighted a lamp
covers it with a vessel or puts it under a [dining table] couch; but he puts it
on a lampstand, that those who come in may see the light. For there is nothing
hidden that shall not be disclosed, nor anything secret that shall not be known
and come out into the open. Be careful therefore how you listen. For to him who
has [spiritual knowledge] will more be given; and from him who does not have
[spiritual knowledge], even what he thinks and guesses and supposes that he has
will be taken away. (Luke 8:16-18, AMPC)
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