We often test-drive several new vehicles before selecting and
purchasing one. How does it drive? Do I like the placement of controls? What
features does it have? What features are missing? Color, make, style? While
this may be fine for purchases of vehicles, it is not right to test-drive our
faith in Christ.
For instance, a common test-drive for single adult Christians
today is regarding living together or sex prior to marriage. Judeo-Christian
Values are counter culture to this and many other cultural norms today. However
prudish you believe them to be, they are Biblical values that are good for our
well-being and relationship with God, and we should follow for obedience sake. The
most common arguments are “Flee the appearance of evil” (I Thessalonians 5:22) and
sex is preserved for marriage (Hebrews 13:4). Other common test-drives are
pornography, little white lies, adultery, and simple routines of disobedience.
Our calling as Christians is to be examples to non-believers
and other Christians who may be struggling in areas of their own walk. Yes, when
we fail and fall into sin, we serve a God of grace and forgiveness. However,
our faith journey should not be a perpetual test-drive, where we refuse to
receive all Christ purchased for us. Repentance means that we turn from our sin,
and God helps us overcome our sins (examine the story of the Prodigal Son in
Luke 15). If we fail again, He is able and just to forgive us (I John 1:9).
However, repentance is greater than just the forgiveness of sins, it is a
turning away from the sin we have committed. Repentance is not seeking God’s
forgiveness while we knowingly remain in that sin. For those Christians who
live together or are have sex before marriage, they are test-driving their
relationship to see if they have obtained lifelong love. Research continues to
prove that couples who live together prior to marriage increase their risk of
divorce. Pornography strengthens its grips producing false intimacy. White lies
turn into bigger lies and adultery leads to shattered relationships.
Christianity will never be comfortable in this world. It is
counter culture. The marriage relationship remains the focus of satanic attack.
If Satan can distort the marriage relationship, then there is a distortion in
our understanding of our relationship with God. The design of marriage is to be
the most precious and lasting human relationship. It is symbolic of the kind of
relationship man is to enjoy with God. From God’s perspective divorce is not an
option (Jeremiah 3:14). The Wedding and honeymoon emulates the conversion of an
individual into a life with Christ. It is a new beginning. The intimacy experience
is new, fresh, and exciting. We are no longer alone; we joined with Christ and
the two shall become one.
In life, we take different paths on a test drive. We strive
to do it alone. For many of us, that path was or is disastrous. Sometimes, on our
test drive we venture into other areas of sin, never reaching our goals. These entanglements lead us further down the spiraling hole of life without God,
ending in spiritual bankruptcy, having no substance or depth. Sometimes, we
take God on a test drive. We go through the motions of being a Christian,
however never really surrendering ourselves to become fully conformed with
Christ. We want the forgiveness of our sins; however, we want to remain in some
of them. Embrace the fullness of what God purchased for you and wants to bring
into your life! Repent in the true meaning of the word. Strive to live a life
without sin, knowing however, you may fail from time to time and God is ready
to forgive again as you repent. Become radically in love with Jesus granting
Him access to every area of your life. End the test-drive.
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