Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Saturated Mind

Let the word [spoken by] Christ (the Messiah) have its home [in your hearts and minds] and dwell in you in [all its] richness, as you teach and admonish and train one another in all insight and intelligence and wisdom [in spiritual things, and as you sing] psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making melody to God with [His] grace in your hearts. (Colossians 3:16, AMPC)

The idea here is to super-saturate our minds with biblical truth. As if a large sponge that is so saturated with water that it oozes at the slightest poke, so we should be so full of scriptural truth that any stimulus prompts us to respond with what God says about that area of life. There is only one source of biblical truth. Spiritual transformation takes place via the renewal of our minds with biblical truth.

We must guard against being scatterbrained Christians. We need to draw upon the divine resources given us to bring every thought and understanding under Christ's Lordship. The divine resources are many - the indwelling Spirit of God; the Word of God hidden in our hearts; the instruction of Godly pastors, teachers, parents, mentors, friends; biblically and doctrinally sound literature. We must avail ourselves of all His resources if we are to make every thought captive to His will and way.

We must also refuse to fill our minds with things that are contrary to holiness. In the world, we live ungodly ideas and images are all around us. We do not have full control of what we see and hear. However, we do have some control. We can control the books we read, the programs we watch and listen, the magazines we read, the Internet sites we visit, the music we listen to, and the teaching we ascribe. We must take the utmost care with what we fill our minds.
Singleness of heart and mind is crucial to living Christ-like. Loving the Lord with all our minds certainly includes "taking every thought captive making it obedient to Christ." We either, take every thought captive or our thoughts will captivate us. We cannot control what thoughts pop into our minds, but by God's grace and power we do we have full control of them once they are there. Therefore, let us draw upon God's resources and empowerment to take our thoughts captive for Christ. Victory is ours in Christ Jesus!

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