When the Storm Comes
By David A. Wheeler
Let me set this up. Jesus has just completed feeding
5,000 men not counting women and children using five loaves and two fish
demonstrating His power over the laws of nature. He blessed and gave thanks
then the multitudes need was met. In addition, abundance was left when the
disciples collected what was left there were 12 baskets of leftovers. My fridge
would have trouble with that. The crowd was so amazed that they were ready to
crown Jesus as King (John 6:15), thus the urgency of retreat. I’m sure the
disciples weren’t vacant of this thought as well. Can you put yourself as an
observer on the hill side watching this take place? Can you imagine what it
would have been like to see a multitude fed with five loaves and two fish and
then have leftovers? I would be ready to crown Him King too. But yet Jesus
ordered his disciples to get in the boat.
Matthew 14 (Amplified Bible)
22Then He directed the disciples to get into the
boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent away the crowds.
23And after He had dismissed the multitudes, He went
up into the hills by Himself to pray. When it was evening, He was still there
24But the boat was by this time out on the sea, many
furlongs [a furlong is one-eighth of a mile] distant from the land, beaten and
tossed by the waves, for the wind was against them.
25And in the fourth watch [between 3:00--6:00 a.m.]
of the night, Jesus came to them, walking on the sea.
26And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea,
they were terrified and said, It is a ghost! And they screamed out with fright.
27But instantly He spoke to them, saying, Take
courage! I AM! Stop being afraid!(B)
28And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You,
command me to come to You on the water.
29He said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and
walked on the water, and he came toward Jesus.
30But when he perceived and felt the strong wind, he
was frightened, and as he began to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me [from
31Instantly Jesus reached out His hand and caught
and held him, saying to him, O you of little faith, why did you doubt?
32And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.
33And those in the boat knelt and worshiped Him,
saying, Truly You are the Son of God!
34And when they had crossed over to the other side,
they went ashore at Gennesaret.
There is no doubt for many these are turbulent
times. The storms of life are raging. Whether it be loss of a job, health or
discipline of children, in the midst of life there are storms. Even in
performing ministry there are seasons where the waves are crashing around and
you are not sure if you will sink or stay afloat. The disciples here find
themselves in the midst of a storm. I’m not sure how many pick up on this but
it was Jesus who directed his disciples to get into the boat and go before Him.
Under His Direction
First and primary in our life is the need to verify
that we have been directed by Jesus to get into the boat. Usually, vehicles (in
this case a boat) symbolize ministry or work. Having several fishermen as
disciples, I’m sure they would not go for a boat ride without first taking
account of the weather. They could see that maybe this wasn’t the best time to
go for a boat ride, but nevertheless, Jesus, the one they had observed perform
miracles, told them to get in the boat and go before Him. Or maybe it was a
clear day with enough daylight left to make it to the other side, but in the
midst of their journey, they encounter a storm and nightfall comes, but
nevertheless, Jesus, the one they had observed perform miracles, told them to
get in the boat and go before Him.
Well, what would you do? I think I would get in the
boat. If we are in relationship with Christ and we are observing His work, then
following His directions is not a hard thing to do. The task before us is more
important than the projected outcome. Our view of the end product is skewed by
our finite mind and observation of the laws in this world, but Jesus operates
on a different plain. Learning to lean on and trust in the supernatural is not
natural for us. That’s why it is super! Superman was a man with super
capabilities. Being a Christ follower requires us to allow our natural to be
graced with super capabilities.
Obedience – Getting in the Boat
1 Samuel 15:22 (Amplified Bible)
22Samuel said, Has the Lord as great a delight in
burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to
obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. We must be
obedient to the things God has called us to accomplish and do. In I Samuel Saul
(freshly anointed 1st king of Israel) sins and this verse is in response to
that sin. Why would obedience be better than sacrifice? Obedience is born out
of innocents. Obedience means the denial of self and the submission to
something greater. Sin is a result of disobedience. Sacrifice is necessary
because of wrongs committed or for the remission of sin. Sacrifice is an
attempt to take away what obedience would have kept. The disciples knew that no
matter what the weather looked like and regardless of their desire to see Jesus
as King that they needed to be obedient and get in the boat.
There are all kinds of excuses to not get in the
boat. The people want to crown Jesus King. The weather is not right for us to
cross safely to the other side. It was night time and it would be better to
cross when the sun is shining. There is a great crowd who might endanger Jesus,
we must stay to protect. I just want to be in and around royalty. Maybe if I
hang out with this miracle worker I will be seen as someone important and of
value. But, somewhere along the way, Jesus has directed you to get in the boat!
Sometimes you have to be obedient and get in the boat.
Sometimes you have to go through the storm to
encounter Jesus. Getting in the boat is not easy under these circumstances. You
have to be obedient. You have to lower your own ego and get yourself out of the
way. You have to trust! You have to trust that God knows best and is ever
watching your welfare. You have to know that regardless of the clouds that have
gathered, the lack of light or uneasiness based on past experience, God has
directed you!
Proverbs 3:6
In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge
Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Jesus doesn’t need you to ensure his transport. Can
you imagine the disciples’ discussion, “Well, how will Jesus get to the other
side?” They had to wonder, but yet they had just observed miracles. Our
obedience does not require full understanding. Our obedience is not to be
mindless robots, but may require us to leave some questions unanswered. I’m
sure when the disciples realized it was Jesus walking on the water some said to
themselves “so, that is how He is going to get to the other side.” Obedience
requires trusting in a living God who performs miracles as a normal. To Him
there is no obstacle or event that He is not supreme. To Him there is no path
that He can’t travel or journey.
John Ortberg wrote a wonderful book several years
ago titled “If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat.”
But, in order to get out of the boat, you have to first get in the boat. Many
are hanging on the shore line, observing, and living an unfulfilled life. Life
and the abundance of life is adventure with God! God has directed you to get in
the boat and for whatever reason you have stayed on the shore line. Get in the
boat! Life will be unfulfilled until you have taken the step of faith and
obedience! Get in the boat!!!!!!
When the Storm Comes
When the storm comes what is our response?
Throughout the Bible water often signifies the “Holy Spirit.” When you are in
the boat you need to realize that you are riding on the Spirit’s call. It would
not seem right for a just God to call us to get in the boat and leave us alone.
His Spirit is always supporting us when we are in the boat. The boat requires
us to become fully dependent on the Spirit’s support! While the disciples are
rowing Jesus is praying. The disciples are riding the wave of the Spirit’s call,
Jesus is praying and communing in the Spirit. Jesus is always making
intercession for us. You can count on Him interceding for you while you are in
the boat and the storm is raging.
Romans 8:34 (Amplified Bible)
34Who is there to condemn [us]? Will Christ Jesus
(the Messiah), Who died, or rather Who was raised from the dead, Who is at the
right hand of God actually pleading as He intercedes for us?
The disciples were where Christ had sent them. When
you know you are where God has called you to be, you have comfort. You may not
be comfortable, but you have comfort. Sometimes where Christ sends you there
are storms. His promise is that He will never leave you nor forsake you. We
know from the story of Jonah that if you run from God’s purposes or plans you
will be consumed in the midst of the storm. Either way you face a storm. I
would rather face the storm after following God’s direction, then face the
storm running from His direction. Again, you can trust Him because He will
never leave you nor forsake you!
Hebrews 13:5
Let your character or moral disposition be free from
love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly
possessions] and be satisfied with your present [circumstances and with what
you have]; for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor
give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will]
not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down ( relax My
hold on you)! [ Assuredly not!]
This was not the first time the disciples were at
sea in a storm. Matthew 7 records the story of their first encounter. In the
first encounter Jesus is in the boat with them. If we will listen, Jesus is
always preparing us for what is ahead. In their first encounter the Jesus is in
the boat with them, but asleep. Isn’t if funny that the things that frighten
us, God sleeps through? God is not frightened by the storms of life. These
storms are nothing to him, except when we are frightened by them. When this
occurs he speaks peace! Sometimes this storm is preparation for another storm
ahead. I know, you say, please, I don’t want to go through any storms. But
storms are an opportunity to reveal Christ and our dependence and trust, or
lack thereof, in Him! Storms are part of the growth process that enables us to
love Christ more.
Jesus in Your Storm
I’m sure those fishermen on the boat were doing
their best to survive the storm. I’m sure they were telling the others where to
sit and what to do. Row! Shift! I can hear one of them say, “If we’re going to
make it through this storm you will have to listen to us.” Someone was posted
to watch! Watch for other boats, the shore or just simple to keep them going in
the right direction. I’m confident they were not watching for a man walking on
the water. There is nothing recorded in the text that gives us reason to
believe that they contemplated going back. Pressing forward, survival, and
obedience was their only cause.
Can you imagine the welcomed sight Jesus was once
the disciples figured out it was Him? In the midst of the storm Jesus appears!
I’m sure the flood of emotion was great when the disciples figured out that
their savior has come. I’m sure at that moment their mind was taken back to the
previous storm where Jesus said, “Peace, be still!” Their faith was now not
just a mustard seed, but a bud of a plant beginning to grow. Regardless of
where we are and a storm overtakes us, we can depend on Jesus to be in the
midst of it coming to our rescue. When we focus on the storm we don’t see
Jesus. When we are focused on the negative we are gripped with fear, doubt, and
bargaining. But, when we become faith focused, assured of our call, and acting
in obedience, we will be looking for Jesus in the midst of our storm.
First the storm is calmed in us, then Jesus calms
the storm around us.
Sometimes what we see as a storm God sees as an
opportunity to show Himself. Jesus desires to show Himself strong. From the
beginning of time in the Garden, where God said “It is not good for man to be
alone,” and to the end of time when Jesus comes riding on a white horse, God
has revealed Himself as the Savior of mankind desiring man to see God as the
answer to all the storms of life. In every storm God is willing and ready to
reveal Himself. If you can get out of the storm in your own wisdom and strength
then who will be praised? You. But if God is the rescuer and the supplier of
all our needs then God will receive the praise.
Sometimes in the storm our level of fear and
uncertainty rises. The outward storm produces inward terror. The disciples were
gripped with fear. Fear will cause us to scream when we see the supernatural in
action. When Jesus supernaturally walked toward them in the storm their
uncertainty and fear caused their thought to believe the worst. A ghost was
coming toward them. How quickly our view can be changed by a storm. It
distracts us from all of the miracles we had prior observed and causes us to
focus on the worst. I can imagine that if Thomas was on the boat, he probably
exclaimed “We’re going to die!” Or, maybe one proclaimed, “I told you we should
have waited on Jesus!”
In the book Acts chapters 6 and 7 the story of
Stephen is recorded. His storm was that he was being stoned for His faith and
proclamation of Jesus Christ. At the moment of the stones through, Steven
proclaims, “I see Jesus standing at the Father’s right hand!” In the midst of
the storm we cannot be consumed with fear, but must be looking for the author
and finisher of our faith! We cannot give ear to the words of doubt and
unbelief. We must look for Jesus in the midst of the storm. As it continues to
rage around us we must be searching for his rescue. Where else can we go but to
the Lord? In Him all things move and live and have their being! For every trial
and every temptation of sin there is a way of escape provided for us! We must
look and see!
1 Corinthians 10:13
For no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to
sin), [no matter how it comes or where it leads] has overtaken you and laid
hold on you that is not common to man [that is, no temptation or trial has come
to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and
belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear]. But God is faithful
[to His Word and to His compassionate nature], and He [can be trusted] not to
let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of
resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will [always] also
provide the way out (the means of escape to a landing place), that you may be
capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently.
Why did Jesus walk on the water? Was He just
desiring a leisure stroll on stormy waters? He could have translated himself
right into the boat and shocked the disciples, but instead He chose to
promenade on a stormy sea. If water represents the Spirit, then it seems
natural for Jesus to walk with the support of the Spirit. Jesus came to them in
the midst of their storm. You can take comfort in knowing that like a father
towards his children Jesus will come to us in the midst of our storm. It is the
forth watch which tells us that when Jesus comes it is the end of that day and
the dawning of a new day is fast approaching. We can be sure that when Jesus
shows us the storm will cease and we will be able to complete the task He sat
before us. When Jesus comes all fear and doubt will leave and we with
confidence in Christ will be able to rejoice. Our faith will be strengthened
and we will grow!
Jesus coming to the disciples walking on the water
was a further demonstration of His Lordship over earthly laws. Just as the five
loaves and two fish were multiplied beyond natural law, Jesus again
demonstrates his ability to be supernatural. In the midst of your storm you
will experience the divine power of Jesus Christ as He makes a triumphal entry
into your circumstance! He will come! I feel sure there were some disciples on
that boat that prayed for Jesus to come. I’m sure they felt all hope may be
lost if there is not a miracle. Christ will use whatever way He wants to
demonstrate His power and receive all the glory.
When Christ Arrives
Notice the posture of Christ when He arrives
(Matthew 14:27). First Jesus says, “Take courage!” We need to take courage! We
need to be courageous people. To be courageous you must have faith in
something. Soldiers are trained well to cause rise in their courage in the
tools and company in which they will serve. We serve in the best army every.
Take courage! Let your faith be increased. Use the tools you have been given
such as prayer, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit! Graft yourself into the body of
Christ. Surround yourself with those who will fight with you for your cause. Be
sure you have prayer partners around you who will intercede not gossip. Gather
around you strong followers of Christ who will petition heaven on your behalf.
Know who is coming to your aid! It is the Lord,
strong and mighty. A savior able and ready to save! He is the living God. Know
who you serve. Job in the midst of his storm when all is said and done, God
begins to speak to Job in chapters 38-41 of the book of Job. If you have any
doubt in the midst of your storm about the God you serve read these chapters!
God is GOD and there is no other. He is your help in the time of trouble. Know
the “I AM!” For these disciples it was not just some guy they were following
who showed up. It was not just their friend. It was the “I AM!” In your storm
you need the “I AM” to show up! Come Lord Jesus! Show up in the midst of my
storm. Right now pause, take a moment acknowledge Him, allow the “I AM” to show
up! Can’t you see Him walking on the storms of your life? Rejoice and praise
Him now!!!!! Rejoice! The “I AM” is present! His desire is to meet your need.
His desire is to be with you! Praise Him! Rejoice!
Exodus 3:14 (Amplified Bible)
14And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM and WHAT I
AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE; and He said, You shall say this to the
Israelites: I AM has sent me to you!
Jesus further commanded “Stop being afraid.” Conquer
fear! When the storm is raging conquer fear. Fear causes us to withdraw. It
causes us to pull away to huddle to ourselves. Fear will cause us to depend on
personal survival, but not the welfare of others. Fear strangles our faith and
enables our doubts. Stop being afraid.
Maybe you know someone whose storm is raging. Their
boat is about to sink. Would you take a moment and pray for them? Can you
intercede for those around you? This is body ministry! Pray for Christ to show
up in their storm. Pray that He will reveal to them their way of escape. Pray
that He will bring peace to their troubled mind. Pray that fear will be
replaced with faith! Jesus desires to reveal himself to all who will turn and
call upon him.
Ephesians 6:18
Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every
season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that end
keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in
behalf of all the saints (God's consecrated people).
Peter and the Rest of the Story
The latter portion of this Scripture in Matthew has
been one of many teachings. Much insight has been gained over the years
regarding our faith through this passage. One of the most revealing things to
me is that the storm is not over until Jesus gets in the boat. Allow Jesus to
come into your ministry or work. Inviting Him into your boat will calm the
storm. Often we just want Jesus standing around us, but not entrenched with us.
Jesus desires to be right in the middle of our boat.
When you invite Jesus in, be sure to worship Him! He
is worthy of all praise! He is worthy of our devotion. Your storm will not
cease until you have brought Him in the boat with you and begun to worship him!
Oh the joys of intimate fellowship with Him. Oh the peace that can come when
Jesus is riding right beside us. You will never know Him fully until He is in
the boat with you.
He has called you to complete a task. While you may
feel alone in your storm right now, Jesus will hitch a ride with you and help
you to your final destination. He does not just give you an assignment, but He
helps you complete what is laid out before you! The journey is not complete
until you reach the other side. Where is your Gennesaret? Anything that He
commands you to accomplish you are fully able with His help to accomplish no
matter what storm you encounter.
Daniel 11:32
And such as violate the covenant he shall pervert
and seduce with flatteries, but the people who know their God shall prove
themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].
Peter out of his love for Christ ask can he come
where Jesus is. When was the last time you saw the marvelous works of God being
performed and asked if you could join in? God is moving in the earth everyday
and we stand by and observe. God wants us to share in the supernatural. Peter
is given entrance simply because he asked. Have you asked God if you can join
in the supernatural events taking place in the world around you? What will it
take for you to move beyond your boat into the supernatural? God is calling His
Church to operate in the supernatural. Will you stay in your boat? Will you
embrace the great adventure that stands before you?
Peter’s movement only occurred when he heard the
call to “Come!” Even though the storm is raging we have to be listening for the
invitation to be translated out of our present circumstance into a supernatural
encounter with a living God! He wants us to share this experience if we will
only desire to step beyond ourselves! Come! He is calling! Come! Forget about
the storm, focus on Him! Focus on His call to “Come!” Our journey will be enlightened
by His presence and we will experience more of Him when we respond to His call
to “Come!”
Matthew 11:28
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden
and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and
refresh your souls.]
John 7:37
Now on the final and most important day of the
Feast, Jesus stood, and He cried in a loud voice, If any man is thirsty, let
him come to Me and drink!
John 6:37
All whom My Father gives (entrusts) to Me will come
to Me; and the one who comes to Me I will most certainly not cast out [I will
never, no never, reject one of them who comes to Me].
John 6:44
No one is able to come to Me unless the Father Who
sent Me attracts and draws him and gives him the desire to come to Me, and
[then] I will raise him up [from the dead] at the last day.
Peter does not ask to be part of the supernatural,
he ask to come to Christ. When our desire for the supernatural is greater than
our desire for the one who performs the supernatural we are in error. The supernatural
is a byproduct of a natural relationship with a living God. Peter does not say,
“Let me walk on water.” Can you imagine that if this was the desire, Peter
would have danced around the boat laughing and joking with all the others “See
what I can do?” But, instead Peter’s request is to come to Christ and in order
for that to occur it requires Christ to perform the supernatural. The
supernatural in the midst of our storm is not for our ego boost, but is
reserved for Christ’s glory!
Christ is coming to the disciples because of mercy.
He does not want them to suffer any more. When we come to Christ it is because
this is what is required in order for us to live a full life. Life apart from
Christ does not exist. Christ is life for all. In order for us to survive we
must come to Christ! Apart from Christ we will be consumed by the storms we
face. Peter’s desire here is not for the supernatural, but because he
recognized the only true source of life is being where Jesus is. Had Christ
perceived that Peter’s desire was only for the supernatural he would not have
bid him to come. I can imagine Peter’s thoughts, “This boat is being tossed
around and we are about to die. If I can get to Christ, I know that I will
live.” Why is it that we only come to Christ when the storm is raging? Some
will say that the boat, your ministry or calling, is the place of safety, but I
say that the place of safety is with Christ!
We cannot venture apart from our ministry or calling
without first receiving permission from God to go. Peter waits for Christ to
bid him to come. Peter asks, then listens for the Lord’s response. Some teach
about Peter’s faith in stepping out of the boat. I believe that Peter really
understood that the only place of safety is with Christ. Have you ever observed
baby chicks? When danger approaches or fear is upon them they run to their
mother for protection and safety. Some want to discuss Peter’s faith, but I
believe his desire for protection is much greater.
Peter steps out of the boat. When your ministry or
calling is unclear, you may have to step away from it and closer to Christ in
order to find peace. Oh, but be careful, you must keep your eyes on Jesus! You
must stay focused on Him or the storm that is raging will consume you. You knew
this was coming….didn’t you – we had to discuss Peter stepping out of the boat.
We can expect support from a living God when we venture on spiritual pursuits.
Pursue Christ. Run hard after Him!
Psalm 119:32
I will [not merely walk, but] run the way of Your
commandments, when You give me a heart that is willing.
Proverbs 4:12
When you walk, your steps shall not be hampered
[your path will be clear and open]; and when you run, you shall not stumble.
Peter is once again gripped with fear. This fear
comes when you are between Christ and your ministry or calling. Fear grips us
when we are neither firmly in Christ’s arms of support or laboring in our
ministry or calling. Fear waits for us to see and respond to our need for
Christ and leave our place of earthly comfort safety. Fear stands between man’s
abilities and God’s supernatural. When you move beyond creature comforts and
are not looking to Christ as your support and answer you will encounter fear.
When the storm continues to rage it will deteriorate our belief in God and our
faith. Having faith and courage is not the absences of fear but the overcoming
of fear. Peter was not absent of faith, but had little faith. Fear will be
present, but your faith and courage must be stronger.
Mark 9:24 (Amplified Bible)
24At once the father of the boy gave [an [a]eager,
[b]piercing, inarticulate] cry with tears, and he said, Lord, I believe!
[Constantly] help my [c]weakness of faith!
Peter turns to Christ for help. Peter lost focus and
began to gaze at the storm instead of storm breaker, Jesus. Our mind must be on
Christ. We must stay focused in the midst of the storm regardless of what we
are doing, not doing, where we are at, or not at. Our focus is Christ. In Him
is perfect peace.
Isaiah 26:3 (Amplified Bible)
3You will guard him and keep him in perfect and
constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on
You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in
Well, Christ could have continued walking on the
water all the way to the shore, but instead, He decided it was not necessary
since there was a good boat right there beside Him. Christ’s desire is to be in
the boat, our ministry or calling, with us. When He is there all we will be
able to do is worship Him for all He has done. Will you invite Him to ride with
you? Christ desires relationship and to be in relationship with you. You are
not alone. Though the storms of this life are raging, do not be afraid, take
courage and realize that the “I AM” wants to ride with you!
Psalm 118:24-29 (Amplified Bible)
24This is the day which the Lord has brought about;
we will rejoice and be glad in it.
25Save now, we beseech You, O Lord; send now
prosperity, O Lord, we beseech You, and give to us success!
26Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord;
we bless you from the house of the Lord [you who come into His sanctuary under
His guardianship].(A)
27The Lord is God, Who has shown and given us light
[He has illuminated us with grace, freedom, and joy]. Decorate the festival
with leafy boughs and bind the sacrifices to be offered with thick cords [all
over the priest's court, right up] to the horns of the altar.
28You are my God, and I will confess, praise, and
give thanks to You; You are my God, I will extol You.
29O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His
mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.
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ReplyDeleteOriginally posted on my facebook October 2009