By David Wheeler
This is a call to the intercessors! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Since Mother’s Day I have been screaming the word “Fight!” This word has
been screaming in my spirit and I have been able to share with several this
word to encourage them. When I speak of fight, I am not talking in the natural
sense of the word. Lord knows we have too much of that. I am addressing what I
am sensing in the Spirit.
What are we fighting for?
Nehemiah 4:14
14I looked [them over] and rose up and said to the
nobles and officials and the other people, Do not be afraid of the enemy;
[earnestly] remember the Lord and imprint Him [on your minds], great and
terrible, and [take from Him courage to] fight for your brethren, your sons,
your daughters, your wives, and your homes.
We have something worth fighting for!
Fight for your brethren! We must fight for those who
are around us, those who are given to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and those
who are not. Fight for our society and for righteousness to prevail. Our fight
is for the very soul of our nation. We must love our neighbor and pray for them
as well. Fight for those who we come in contact with on a daily basis and those
who are beside us on our drive to work. We must look at every opportunity to
pray and fight for those who are near. The Christian way of life is worth
fighting for until all of our brethren come to the saving knowledge of Jesus
Christ or Jesus Christ returns. I agree that many Christians have lost touch with
the Christian way of life. We must return to love, joy, peace, courtesy,
kindness. This love you neighbor thing was not a suggestion but a commandment.
Fight for your sons and your daughters! The
information overload that our children are experiencing is desensitizing them
to all that is evil and wrong. They are drawn and enticed by injustice,
lewdness, and unrighteousness. We must fight for their minds! We must help them
find the helmet of salvation and train them to be brave! Train them to be
willing to stand against evil when witnessed or perpetrated. Fight for them to
live and walk in uncompromising righteousness! The next generation is facing
real battles of faith. Turn off the inputs and turn on the right inputs. Be
sure you are having time at the table sharing meals. Listen to their day and
help them digest by correcting and bringing to balance all that they have
experienced that day. Worship with your children in your home!
Fight for your wives! The sanctity of marriage is
under such an attack. For over 70 years we have watched the degradation of this
institution and framework of society! Fight. Fight for your wives! Fight for
your husbands! Don’t fight with one another! Marriage is the principle human
relationship in which God uses to express His relationship with mankind. The
attack on marriage is a spiritual attack on God’s expression of the type of
relationship He desires with mankind! If the institution of marriage crumbles
then how will mankind understand the kind of relationship God desires to have
with us! Fight! Fight! Fight! Stem the tide of divorce. Our relationship with
God is not a perverted, unnatural, non-producing relationship. Our relationship
with God should exemplify all that is good, natural, and procreative! So should
human marriage be – good, natural, and procreative. In addition, our marriages
should be formed with a basis of love born out of commitment, not formed by a
love born out of performance. Regardless of our performance God loves us! He is
committed to us! Aren’t you glad!
Fight for your homes! Intercede for jobs, the
economy and the place of refuge we call home! Pray that your income will
increase and that you will continue to walk in the blessings of God! Pray for
our safety as a nation and pray that all will know that this is one nation
STILL under God! Be proud to be a Christian. Proclaim it to your neighbors!
Your proclamation will be liberating to those around you who in turn will begin
to proclaim their belief in God. This is not a season to be silent but a season
to begin to sound the battle cry! When the battle is won liberty flows to all
who are held captive. From your homes begin to fight! Fight! Fight! Our homes
are the barracks from which the soldier is prepared!
Our Preparation!
In I Samuel 17, we observe the story of David and
Goliath. David being a young lad not yet serving in the army, comes to deliver
food to his brothers. While there David hears Goliath’s God defying bellows
from the valley. Righteous indignation rises within David and out of the courage
he has in his God, David expresses his displeasure in what he heard. His older
brother is upset with what David has said, because he knew that this would be
reported to King Saul. Upon hearing of David’s remarks, King Saul summons the
young lad to the king’s quarters. While there David is clothed with the king’s
armor. Only to discover that it is far too heavy for David to be affective in
battle. With this David strips himself of the king’s armor and goes into battle
wearing only the garments that were natural to him, the presence of God.
Preparation for this battle is not those things that are manmade. Preparation
for this battle is being clothed in the presence of God! David could not wear
those things that were unnatural to him, but he understood that the presence of
God was all that was required.
Dress yourself with the presence of God. Find that
intimate place of worship where he clothes you and dresses you. Preparation in
Him is all that is required. Draw away to that secret place. Prepare yourself
as an Indian would prior to battle. Put on the war paint. Sharpen your sword.
Bury the battle plan, the Word of God, in your mind. Shine your shield.
Brighten your helmet and fasten it securely on your head. Tighten the belt
around your loins. Tie your boot straps tight. Be sure your breastplate is
I love the way Ephesians 4 reads in the Amplified
Ephesians 6:10-20
10In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered
through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which
His boundless might provides].
11Put on God's whole armor [the armor of a
heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to
stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil.
12For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood
[contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against
the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this
present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural)
13Therefore put on God's complete armor, that you
may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], and,
having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place].
14Stand therefore [hold your ground], having
tightened the belt of truth around your loins and having put on the breastplate
of integrity and of moral rectitude and right standing with God,
15And having shod your feet in preparation [to face
the enemy with the [a]firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness
[b]produced by the good news] of the Gospel of peace.(B)
16Lift up over all the [covering] shield of
[c]saving faith, upon which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the
wicked [one].
17And take the helmet of salvation and the sword
that the Spirit [d]wields, which is the Word of God.
18Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every
season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that end
keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in
behalf of all the saints (God's consecrated people).
19And [pray] also for me, that [freedom of]
utterance may be given me, that I may open my mouth to proclaim boldly the
mystery of the good news (the Gospel),
20For which I am an ambassador in a coupling chain
[in prison. Pray] that I may declare it boldly and courageously, as I ought to
Let me just highlight a few points here from this
Scripture. Verse 10 – Be strong in the Lord – He empowers us. He is the source
of all things good. Realize that you are not just fighting in your own
strength, but that His strength is the constitution of your strength. Life is a
struggle, but the warfare we are entering into goes beyond our personal lives.
This is a corporate battle that the church is facing, not just personal day to
day battles. Satan’s desire is to keep us individually focused and not
corporately empowered. We have enemies to fight against, a captain to fight for
and a banner to fight under. In addition there are rules that govern this war.
We are Christian soldiers called to stand our post and ready our position. The
enemy has launched his schemes, but now is the time for Christians to be strong
hearted and well armed! The battle is before us and we will win!
Courage is a must! Be strong! Strong for giving of
yourselves to every need, ready to kneel and pray, excited to be captured in
His presence, prepared to unsheathe your sword and fight, conversive with
expressions of truth and justice! Willing and Able to give your all and place
your earthly position below a heavenly calling. This is a season for strength
in your spiritual walk and to take courage for they are necessary in this
spiritual battle. We will not survive in our own strength! We cannot depend on
man’s ways, but must tune into the provision of His strength. Our natural
courage is spinelessness and our natural strength is weakness, but when we are
consumed by His strength we are strong and able to defeat the oppression of the
enemy. Our sufficiency is Christ! We are sufficient in Him. We are sufficient
in Christ’s sufficiency. In Him we live, move and have our being! Press in!
Press into the things of God! Lean on and trust in Him! The oppression is
strong, but He, God within us, is stronger than all the oppressor can propose.
It is by Faith in God that we will be able to find
His grace to help us in every battle we may face and in this current battle. We
are not able within ourselves to defeat this enemy. Stir yourselves up to reach
beyond all that is before us. It is time to “man-up” and stand your ground in
your own spiritual walk! Stand up against those things that so easily cause us
to stumble! This is the time to set aside casual worship and press into the
Holy Place! There is no more room for lukewarmness, but only room for strength.
The battle will be bloody. There will be wounded soldiers along the way. There
needs to be a group of followers of Jesus Christ who can not only live fully
embracing all that God has given us, but in addition they must be able to care
for the wounded and lead them to safety! Prepare to fight! Prepare to fight
with one hand while the other is busy about caring for those around us! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Rely on God’s all-sufficiency and the omnipotence of His might.
Verse 11 encourages us to put on the whole armor of
God! Notice that it is not man-made armor. It is armor that God supplies and
found only in His presence. How can a soldier be supplied if he never goes to
the supply depot? When was the last time you went into your prayer closet to be
suited with the armor God supplies! Soldiers will die without proper armor!
Human strategies and weapons will not defeat this enemy! It will take the
supernatural impartation from a living God! Supernatural armor! God’s armor is
complete we are covered from head to toe! God prepares it and gives it to us!
This is not a call to just try on the helmet and see if it is enough. Those who
do not pursue all that God has for us will be left vulnerable or exposed for
the attack of the enemy! Our safety is in the full armor of God – truth,
integrity, moral rectitude, right standing with God, preparation, Gospel of
peace, saving faith, salvation, the Spirit of God and the Word of God. We are
commanded to put it on! Christians! Put your armor on and Fight! Your ability
to stand is dependent upon the armor in which you are wearing!
The Gathering!
At various points over the past two years during
times of Praise and Worship, I have literally heard the drum beat of heaven. It
was a call for us to gather together and prepare. This call was an assembling
of the troops and preparation for battle. Now, the enemy has begun his
onslaught and heaven has called us to Fight! To the intercessors! Again, I call
you to your post.
2 Chronicles 7
14If My people, who are called by My name, shall
humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn
from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and
heal their land.
I have also been reminded of “D” Day during World
War II. If you are a student of history you know the significance of this battle.
This battle was the turning point in the larger war. There were many plans that
went into the success of that day even though there was significant loss of
life. Long before the gathering of the troops a false plan was attached to a
dead soldier and the body was set adrift so that it would find its way into the
enemy’s camp. This false plan was received by the enemy and they began to plan
their defense. Little did they know that it was a false plan. Meanwhile the
allied forces were gathering and planning the offensive, training and
accumulating all they needed to succeed. While they were doing this they
further convinced the enemy of the false plan by seeming to gather with fake
planes, equipment and limited personnel near the location of the false battle.
The enemy had no clue.
We know the results of “D” Day. It was a bloody
battle, but it changed the course of the war. From that point forward the
allied forces were able to advance until ultimately the war in Europe was over.
Habakkuk 2:2-3
2And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision
and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able
to] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by.
3For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it
hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it
tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be
behindhand on its appointed day.
From this scripture we learn that there are
appointed times. We know from other scriptures that there are seasons. Part of
the success of “D” day was timing. Had they invaded too early the troops and
equipment might not have been enough. If they had waited one more day the
probability of the enemy discovering the real plan was more likely. Exact
timing is crucial. I believe that the next 5 months will be significant in the
spiritual war. This is a time to fight! The time for sitting idolly by is over.
Christian must hit their knees and begin to pray. In addition, they MUST speak
up and not be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Miss California has taken
a stand and this should encourage all of us to begin to speak out. This is not
a time for the church to be silent. It is a time to advance the Kingdom of God.
The Call to Take Up Arms!
Begin the battle cry! All armies are divided into
hierchical authority structures. So too is the Lords army. We are scattered and
gathered into different groupings. When the command is given by the General,
this command is then shared with those next in rank with him the Brigadier,
then the Colonel, Lt. Colonel, etc. until the command is heard by all those
waiting and expecting a command. Each time the command is shared the influence and
power of that command grows. Like a wave this command builds until all have
heard and respond appropriately. The command to fight has been given. As we add
our voices of proclamation of all that is righteous and good others will hear
and respond. Like a wave of influence this call to fight will gather strength!
As we proclaim in our homes and to our neighbors the goodness of God other
voices will be emboldened and join with our voice. Sound the alarm and proclaim
the goodness of God and liberty will be given to all who are captive. We must
proclaim Christian values and live Christian truths!
Now! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Nehemiah 4
1BUT WHEN Sanballat heard that we were building the
wall, he was angry and in a great rage, and he ridiculed the Jews.
2And he said before his brethren and the army of
Samaria, What are these feeble Jews doing? Will they restore things [at will
and by themselves]? Will they [try to bribe their God] with sacrifices? Will
they finish up in a day? Will they revive the stones out of the heaps of
rubbish, seeing they are burned?
3Now Tobiah the Ammonite was near him, and he said,
What they build--if a fox climbs upon it, he will break down their stone wall.
4[And Nehemiah prayed] Hear, O our God, for we are
despised. Turn their taunts upon their own heads, and give them for a prey in a
land of their captivity.
5Cover not their iniquity and let not their sin be
blotted out before You, for they have vexed [with alarm] the builders and
provoked You.
6So we built the wall, and all [of it] was joined
together to half its height, for the people had a heart and mind to work.
7But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabians,
Ammonites, and Ashdodites heard that the walls of Jerusalem were going up and
that the breaches were being closed, they were very angry.
8And they all plotted together to come and fight
against Jerusalem, to injure and cause confusion and failure in it.
9But because of them we made our prayer to our God
and set a watch against them day and night.
10And [the leaders of] Judah said, The strength of
the burden bearers is weakening, and there is much rubbish; we are not able to
work on the wall.
11And our enemies said, They will not know or see
till we come into their midst and kill them and stop the work.
12And when the Jews who lived near them came, they
said to us ten times, You must return [to guard our little villages]; from all
places where they dwell they will be upon us.
13So I set [armed men] behind the wall in places
where it was least protected; I even thus used the people as families with
their swords, spears, and bows.
14I looked [them over] and rose up and said to the
nobles and officials and the other people, Do not be afraid of the enemy;
[earnestly] remember the Lord and imprint Him [on your minds], great and
terrible, and [take from Him courage to] fight for your brethren, your sons,
your daughters, your wives, and your homes.
15And when our enemies heard that their plot was
known to us and that God had frustrated their purpose, we all returned to the
wall, everyone to his work.
In Nehemiah 4, we see a sceanerio similar to that of
“D” day except the opposite is happening. The enemy wished to destroy Nehemiah
and the Jews as they began to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. In this chapter
we see that the enemy’s secret plan is overheard and the enemy’s attack was
defeated before it ever started.
The earthly atmosphere is very similar today to the
time reflected here. Samballat and Tobiah were mocking the Jews and the
rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem. They were angry and had great indignation
toward the Jews. They were troubled that someone would dare trust and believe
in the living God. As long as Jerusalem had no walls their advasaries could
rule and reign over it. They despised it and made it the subject of their
ridicule. They mocked it until it was too late to do anything about the wall
being built. I believe similarly that Christians are being mocked. Political
and social leaders believe that we as Christians are just waisting our time.
They see our worship as fruitless efforts. They build and trust in the seen,
but have no knowledge of the unseen. They too will be surprised as we begin to
fight. They will be surprised at how quickly and formatable the rebuilding of
the walls of Christianity will prove to be. Scoffers build one another up. They
are focused on their statements and scoffers love to gather with other
scoffers. It may seem that all we hear are those who would rather ridicule
Christianity. That is the pervaisive voice in our media. Coexist! Pastor Zink
recently shared a poinient thought regarding the United States of America. In
essesence they say Christianity is limiting and intolerant but it is only the
liberty of a Christian Nation that allows these religions to coexist! They want
us to believe that Christianity is wrong and that there is nothing right in it.
Go to a Muslim nation and open a Christian Church. You will be beheaded in
most. Many good works have been looked upon with contempt by proud and haughty scorners.
Remember, when the voice of justice, righteousness and truth begin to be
pronounced, it will be like a building wave as others begin to feel the liberty
to rise and join their voice.
Nehemiah’s response to these scorners is notable. He
did not become discouraged or lose courage. He did not answer these fools. He
looked up to God by prayer. Nehemiah asked God to take notice of all the wrongs
and injustices done to them. In one translation Nehemiah’s prayer is recorded,
“Hear, O our God! for we are despised.” Nehemiah continues by asking God to
avenge them and turn the reproach upon the enemies themselves. These were more
prophetic utterances more than just prayer. In this time of intercession we
must pray prophetic prayers! Nehemiah continues by praying and we see that the
reproach is not against us but against God. Do not take offense at the
scoffers. Realize that God will avenge for Himself. Their justice is coming!
Our job is to pray, walk in obedience and Fight!
In Nehemiah 4:14 we see that Nehemiah begins to
remind the people of the characteristics of the God they serve! ALL were called
to the battle. This battle cry is for ALL believers to begin to stand and pray!
Not just silent prayers. Pray over your meals, pray over your family in the mornings.
Pray! Boldness conquers fear! Allow God’s boldness to be upon you! Nehemiah
says, “Remember the Lord, who is great and terrible.” Many of us have placed
our enemy as greater than our God. There is no one greater than the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! He is God and there is no other. We must remember the
greatness of the one in whose army we are enlisted. Many of us have in the
forefront of our minds the terrible things that will happen to us if we
improperly represent the King in whose kingdom we belong. They say we are
terrible because we are “forcing” our religion on others. They say we should be
more considerate and more tolerant. Do they know how terrible it will be for
them if they do not come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ? Do they know
just how terrible hell is and that the only way to avoid it is to accept Jesus
Christ as their Lord and Savior? It will be terrible for them if we do not show
them the way. Our course should also remind us that it will be terrible for us
if we cannot hear the words, “well done my good and faithful servant.” A
healthy fear of God is the best perscription for curing the captivating fear of
men. When the enemy found that their plans were discovered they knew the
surprise was lost and that they would not be able to defeat Israel. When our
enemy hears the battle cry of Christians, it will too late for them to defeat
the Kingdom of God.
Fight! Fight! Fight! On your knees and with your
Originally posted on Facebook May 2009