Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Legislating Morality

Legislating Morality

The recent win of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States is a direct result of the Evangelical voter turnout.[i] The pending and future appointments of Supreme Court Justices motivated the call to action given by many spiritual leaders, holding prayer vigils, and activating their congregants hoping to slow the moral decline and the turning of a nation from Biblical values. Franklin Graham led prayer vigils in all 50 states and the night before the election held a national prayer vigil on FaceBook.[ii] While Evangelicals celebrate the victory obtained through prayer, let us not forget that more is required.

Jay Sekulow stated in an article that appeared in the December 1990 issue of Charisma magazine, “If anyone tells you that you cannot legislate morality, remember that legislation IS morality.”[iii] Merriam-Webster defines morality as “beliefs about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior.”[iv] Therefore, we can conclude whatever we hold as right behavior and wrong behavior will be what is legislated. The appointment of Supreme Court Justices’ will secure conservative Constitutional thinking. However, it will not change the beliefs of individuals to adhere to the Biblical moral code.

Today, our nations’ morals are drifting because many do not know Jehovah God, by making Jesus Christ their personal Savior, and submitting to the moral code of the Bible as the standard to live by. Similarly, many Christians do not adhere to the moral code of the Bible and its standards. “Currently, about four in 10 U.S. adults qualify as ‘unchurched’ under Barna’s definition (38%). Unchurched adults have not attended a church service, except for a holiday or special occasion, at any time within the past six months.”[v] “Americans are becoming more liberal on social issues, as evidenced not only by the uptick in the percentage describing themselves as socially liberal, but also by their increasing willingness to say that a number of previously frowned-upon behaviors are morally acceptable.”[vi] While many Americans profess their belief as Christians, less than half attend church on any frequency.[vii]

In order to save our nation from moral failure, Christians need to embrace real change away from the wicked ways in their ranks. While prayer may have secured the Supreme Court for a season, they adjudicate laws created by the legislative body, which submits to the will of the people. Eventually, the introduction of Constitutional Amendments secured by the will of the people will permanently legislate unrighteousness. The Supreme Court would then be obligated to adjudicate according to the amendment and the totality of the Constitution.

If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14, (AMPC))

While embracing 2 Chronicles 7:14 as the mandate for prayer, the Church and Christians have obtained an opportunity for a pause in moral decay. However, the Church must now turn to the second half of that passage to reverse the moral decline and secure Biblical values for our nation. They must “turn from their wicked ways.” If the church does not turn from their wicked ways, the nation will increase in wickedness slipping further from Biblical moral values. The only long lasting hope for our nation is to secure righteousness in the hearts of people. Here are a few “wicked ways” for churches and Christians to exam and embrace their role in helping hold to a righteous standard.

The wicked way of Judgement

Imagine a church were God delivers judgement not man. July 1, 2016, posted an article, “25 Reasons People Don’t Go to Church.”[viii] The first reason was the length of service time. However, the second reason was “Fear of being judged.” Judgement belongs to God.

One only is the Lawgiver and Judge Who is able to save and to destroy [the One Who has the absolute power of life and death]. [But you] who are you that [you presume to] pass judgment on your neighbor? (James 4:12, AMPC)

While there is Biblical support for those in authority to exam, mark, and identify “snakes in the grass (Genesis 3, Proverbs 26:25),” these mandates were never meant to be used on fellow believers. Many non-believers view church members as snakes waiting to consume one another. The church has created and provided an atmosphere for devouring our own when another stumbles or falls instead of loving them into right relationship with God. James 5:16 provides the understanding of a healthy environment for believers.

Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. (James 5:16, AMPC)

Believers’ inability to confess faults to one another hinders the power of prayer and its ability to perform dynamic workings and healing in their life. Maybe this is why we do not witness miracles today when we pray for those who are sick or in need. Many churches today do not create or encourage environments where real authentic relationships of trust and maturity develop that provide for this level of mutual confession of faults, pray, and healing.

Many churches and pastors turn to small groups as the answer and response, but have had little success. For some, the ulterior motive of numerical growth outweighs the principle of spiritual growth. The Senior Pastor and leaders must model real authentic relationships throughout the organization. If you are a Pastor, you may be reluctant to share your stumbles, or falls with congregants and this boundary may be appropriate, however, it does not excuse the need for this environment in your life, and in your church. While pastors may need to reserve some confession for appropriate audiences, they can still model a depth of relationship that allows confession, prayer, and healing. Each body of believers is unique, so there is not a “one solution fits all” that can be given. However, each Christian, and each Pastor must create, foster, and enable environments where the establishment of serious authentic Christian relationships secure the fulfilment of James 5:16.

The Wicked Way within Marriage

Imagine a church where the success of marriage within the church was better than the rest of society. How much more attractive would Christ be as the answer to marital problems? Marriage is the deepest earthly relationship by which God has chosen to relate the type of relationship He desires with mankind (Jesus is the bridegroom; the church is the bride, the marriage supper of the lamb, the expression of God’s love). We have allowed the marriage relationship within the church to sink to that of a civil contract as seen by the divorce rate of believers equal to those of non-believers. Churches and believers must embrace to covenant aspects of marriage and change the tide of divorce in their ranks.

Many churches today do not see the need for them to provide help, direction, support for the formulating of marriage relationships, and the sustaining, and support for the marriage covenant. Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott have introduced a process of marriage mentoring to create a net for married couples who are in trouble, or even before trouble begins. Many churches and leaders avoid the aspect of teaching divorce as sin. While no one caught in the snares of divorce welcomes it, the church provides little direction, help, or support to its avoidance. Sadly, couples drift from attendance and gossip carries the news.

The Wicked Way within Justice

Imagine a church that is able to set aside political ranker and stand together on issues of injustice. The inability of the church to effectively deal with injustice has caused the greatest division. As is commonly known, the most divided day of the week is Sunday Morning. The divide is evident in the Evangelical vote division, where nearly 80% of white Evangelical voters chose Trump, while Evangelicals of color largely favored Clinton.[ix] Evangelicals have allowed political systems to either silence their voice or become their voice for injustice. God’s Kingdom is not groups of kingdoms as portrayed in the Game of Thrones, who adhere to one king. God’s Kingdom is only one kingdom and has only one king.

For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God through faith. For as many [of you] as were baptized into Christ [into a spiritual union and communion with Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah] have put on (clothed yourselves with) Christ. There is [now no distinction] neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ [are in Him Who is Abraham’s Seed], then you are Abraham’s offspring and [spiritual] heirs according to promise. (Galatians 3:26-29, AMPC)

Injustice is the principle issue separating Evangelicals on race. Fear has captivated many Christians leaving them bound in their own communities, while many of the poor, needy, mistreated, and hurting are fending for themselves. While the atmosphere is politically charged, what outreach has Pastors and leaders of varying church communities engaged in with each other. Have you swapped pulpits, or exchanged musical elements of worship? Most fear and injustice continues today, because of a lack of relationships and understanding. Many Evangelicals do great works in missions, but fail in community missions. Healing, reconciliation, and love are all expressions the church can offer to help overcome injustice. Polarization will continue until the church responds and changes from their wicked way.

The Wicked Way within Life and Death

Imagine a pro-life church with a list of 60 million couples desiring to adopt babies, financially supporting birth mothers until the child is born, supporting them legally through the adoption process, and then supporting those mothers for several months in the re-establishment of their personal life. Most of our society views the church offering no real alternative and consider most Christians as judging and harassing women approaching abortion clinics. We should never minimize the stance for life; however, the church should offer real solutions. A home for every child should be the goal of the church. The church could give reason for those considering abortion to choose life. With more than 60 million abortions since 1973 and current rate of one million abortions per year, the voice of the church must ring out not with judgement and condemnation, but with love of life and justice.[x] For many abortion is the greatest form of injustice, the child has no voice. In addition, mothers are led to believe that it is simple the removal of tissue, while later in life they carry the weight of the injustice of their decision.

Nothing is more depressing than entering a church where there is no life, every person dwells in gloom and despair, and death consumes the message of life. While realities can never be ignored, Christ secured life, and abundance of life for all (John 10:10). Death has drawn mankind since Adam and Eve. Most of the world’s entertainment focuses on death. For many, the fascination with death is the unknown. Alan Danielson in an article on identifies seven secrets of life-giving church culture as language, icons, celebrations, relationships, boarders, fashion, and values.[xi] Life-giving churches where the language is understood; icons or pictures speak volumes; celebrations are continual; relationships are authentic; boarders of purpose and vision unite congregants; fashion is complimentary to those in fellowship (I Corinthians 9:22); and core values fosters community. Christ is the life-giver and all who turn to Him find life. The power of transformation is hard work. It requires investment of time and resources. It requires focus of the mission of the church to make disciples (remember the Great Commission, Matthew 28:16-20). Vacant today in many churches is the release and belief of the transformative work of Christ. When there is the need for counseling, pastors should be ready to provide or have a list of Christian counselors available. Tending to sheep is dirty work, and requires steady hands and open hearts.


As we search for healing in our land we again reference 2nd Chronicles 14:7, which starts with “If My people…” addressing those who are followers of God. Many Evangelicals believe that prayer has provided a much-needed victory. However, the church must assist in fulfilling their role in the healing of our land by changing from their wicked ways.

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